

What we do

Our organization can come up with a localized and business re-engineered model which is guaranteed to give you an efficient, effective and successful business operationally. Based on the scope and objective of your project or business, we will provide you with proven expert service and coordination from initial planning to market access requirements. We do this through:

  • Gap analysis, pre-audits, second party audits, third party audit & certification tips.
  • Environmental impact assessment, management plans and performance audits.
  • Suitable recommendations, viability assessment and business plans.
  • Project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
  • Good Agricultural Practice audits, training and consulting.
  • Occupation safety and health auditing and consulting.
  • ESG(Environmental & Social Governance) and SEE(Social Ethical and Environmental) needs assessment ,research studies and training/remediation programs and projects.
  • Post-harvest and quality assurance audits, training and consulting.
  • Market access requirements and profiling.
  • Organizing and facilitation of market –producer sourcing missions and business visits.
  • Simply all the best Solutions for your Business.


How we work

We will assist you get an insight in your cost of sustainable production and formulate ways to optimally use inputs and other factors of production whilst reducing your impact on the environment and providing better climate change adaptation.

An example of our service is starting a farm together with a partner/investor and that could be small scale or large-scale farmers. The farm will produce vegetables/ flowers for local or export consumption, operate within sustainable standards thus develop a corporate social responsibility aspect.

  • We will develop policies, procedures, and forms/records to validate the system.
  • We will train all the relevant staff/workers and of course our partners in growing practices and management skills.